
‍Overcoming Toxic Assumptions To Connect With Men

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Redefining Wellness with NOOM: A Strategy for Gender-Inclusive Health

NOOM, which is known for its innovative approach to health and wellness, saw a major imbalance in its membership demographics and worked to make it more gender inclusive. The challenge was clear: How could NOOM recalibrate its value proposition to resonate equally with men, who historically have been less engaged in health programs like NOOM's?

The Quest for Understanding:

When embarking on this mission, our first step was not to answer but to question: What makes health tools like NOOM appealing to men, and more importantly, what doesn't? 

With a mix of interest and data analysis, we dug into NOOM's vast collections of operational and customer data, along with a thorough review of the digital terrain they operate in. Our toolkit? A mix of one-on-one interviews with men embarking on their fitness journeys and a critical review of their digital toolkits.

Unveiling the Barrier:

Our research showed a big problem that needs to be given more attention: societal biases keep men from seeking community and support for their fitness goals. 

Misconception About Weight Loss Goals: There's a societal tendency to simplify men's health goals to just gaining muscle or "bulking up," neglecting the broader spectrum of health and wellness aspirations, including weight loss for health reasons, mental well-being, and holistic fitness.

Limited Representation: Men often see limited representation in wellness and weight loss programs, which are frequently marketed towards women. This lack of representation can make it challenging for men to find relatable role models or communities where they feel welcomed and understood.

Fear of Judgment: Men may fear judgment not only for seeking help but also for not adhering to traditional masculine ideals of body image and strength. This can lead to reluctance in joining programs that are perceived as not aligning with these ideals.

We did not cast a wide net; instead, we focused on people who were just on the edge of being ready. Who were these men willing to step into the trial zone? An attribution scale was born, mapping the characteristics of the ideal NOOM trialist - not just any member, but one who would commit to a transformative journey of at least three months.

Crafting the Path to Engagement:

With a dozen potential solutions at hand, we envisioned a 'Destination Map' - a dynamic, visually engaging tool that plotted the journey of a prospective NOOM member. This wasn't just a map; it was a narrative, charting psychographic profiles, potential barriers, and stepping stones to success. Each element was meticulously designed and brought to life in a large-format print, inviting the team to visualize the path to male engagement.

The Outcome:

What started out as a challenge turned into a chance to change the way people think about wellness so that everyone can join the journey. Our strategy was not just meant to get more men to join; it was also meant to get rid of the biases that keep men from supporting community-based health initiatives.

By using both data-driven insights and creative storytelling, we envisioned a NOOM that was more open to everyone. We also set the stage for a health revolution in which everyone, regardless of gender, feels valued and supported on their wellness journey.


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