About us
We're part strategist, researcher, part  designer and critical friend. We don't just consult – we collaborate.  

we are doubling down on community, access and equity as the future of innovation.

With us, you're not just learning to build a business – you're unlearning limitations and discovering your power as a change-maker.
get to know us
We're a Black and Woman owned social innovation studio in the heart of New York City, and we're here to change things up.

At OpenHouse, we're building businesses and nurturing the mindsets, skills, and spaces where transformative ideas take root and flourish.From startups to organizations like Mural, Minneapolis College of Art and Design, and ServiceNow, we're infiltrating spaces long dominated by a singular perspective.

Why? Businesses aren't just making products; they're molding society. And we're here to ensure that power is wielded responsibly.

Our tools of choice? Liberatory design. Our building grounds? The boardrooms, strategy sessions, our communities, and the research labs where the future is being shaped. We're not just participating in the conversation - we're changing its very language.

Ground Rules

our way of working
We don't just think outside the box; we redesign the box.


Ideate Boldly

Expanding your focus pass "mainstream" market opportunities to underserved market opportunities. Adventure outside over-served consumer groups to create iconic innovations for underserved consumers.


Build Ethically

In every project, we think ahead to make sure we're not just doing well for our clients, but also doing right by the community and our planet. We're committed to being thoughtful, responsible, and kind in every aspect of our work.


Scale Mindfully

We help you expand your impact without compromising your mission, balancing profit with purpose every step of the way.


Transform Industry

We position you to not just succeed in your market, but to fundamentally change it for the better.


Community Engagement

Actively engage with communities to understand their needs and challenges.



Good intentions is not enough , we aim for results that create on-going sustainble success.


meet the team
Our Crew: Compact, Creative, and Committed
Nagela Dales
Founder, Creative Pilot
Catherine Collins
Entrepreneurship Development
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Kristie P
Tech Advisor
Sliding Scale Rates
It is our desire to help as many people as possible, and to decrease barriers that leave founders underresourced. Enquire* about our sliding scale rates.

We've introduced sliding scale rates, designed to democratize access to our transformative business design and strategy services. Whether you're a budding entrepreneur or an established organization, our flexible pricing adapts to your unique circumstances, ensuring that our collaboration is an investment in your growth and success.

Our Work


how we work
There's a few core principles that define us as a team and are absolute key to our success
Relatable Human Touch Points

We don't believe in commoditizing consumer relationships but in helping brands learn how to authentically work and earn their consumers' attention, time, and dollars.

Minimize Harm

We seek opportunities to reduce harm every step of the way.


We want to be part of creating a radically inclusive and multi-generational economy. That means we are working with a diverse group of founders and consumers across racial, age, socioeconomic, and gender lines.


We love creating spaces full of laughter and good vibes. It keeps us going strong, sparks our creativity, and brings our community closer together.

hi neighbor

hi  neighbor

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General inquiries
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Come say hey, its the neighborly thing to do.
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